Fresh & Fiery Smoothie

Fresh and Fiery Blendie


If you're a fan of ginger then this is the smoothie for you! The combination of rawn carrots, fresh orange and tuned make this a super breakfast of lunch smoothie. You can also make it Vegan by using the Purition Vegan blend instead of the Almond.


  1. 4 x 10g scoops of Almond Purition
  2. 1/2 carrot (about 10-15g)
  3. 1/2 large orange / 1 small orange
  4. 1/2 thumb sized piece of ginger (you can add extra if you like a bit more of a kick)
  5. 250ml cold almond milk


  1. Peel and segment the orange, grate the carrot and ginger
  2. Place all the ingredients into the blender
  3. Pour in the milk
  4. Add the Purition
  5. Blend thoroughly, 30-40 seconds should do
  6. Pour into a large glass and enjoy!


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