A Year in Review

Wow! What an incredible year!..we've launched over 10 new products and stock in over 20 outlets around Malta.

As we continue our journey with new and excting project for 2019, let's take a look at our 2018 highlights!

January - A month of Preparation

Whilst setting ourselves some serious objectives for the coming 12 months, our co-founder Elaine was also in preparation season for the upoming tennis season. Living proof that you can find time for anything you set your mind to!

February - The Launch of our new bestselling Purition Flavour

March - A month of Collaborations.

April - A new range of healthy baking mixes & World Cup finals!

Oh April, what a month! Everyone fell in love with our delicious Superfood Baking mixes!


We also reached the play offs for the first time ever in the Fed Cup -The world cup of tennis which was being held in Montenegro!

May - ''A new definition of purrr-fect cookies''

In May we changed the game completely!!!.. launching our award winning Kookie Cats Cookies.

June - Our Cookie selection is now complete!

Whilst we tought we had changed the game completely.. in June we actually did as we introduced these mouthwatering Rookie Cookies. 

July - We started shipping in EU & got our first PRO title!


Also a special month for us as we won our first doubles Pro Title in Budapest! Incredible feelings.

August -  A new era of plastic free living.

During the Summer period Malta and the rest of the world went through a huge educational journey regarding plastic and it's negative impact on the environment. During that time we introduced EQUA.. we have no words to describe this product, only that we love them for every reason possible.

September - We now stock our products in over 20 outlets around Malta!

October -  A new range of Super Teas by ADUNA

November - Our first Christmas Market & we absolutely loved it!

We had so much fun at the San Anton Christmas market this year, thank you all for meeting us and we definitely plan on setting up more pop ups shops next year!

December - A month of gifting & a new range of baking mixes!

We had quite a lot going on during December. We introduced our 10 Days of Christmas surprises and one of them was the launch of a new range of healthy mixes including Pizza Dough Mix & Carrot Cake Muffin mix! #yumm

We prepared many gifts and we loved every second of it!


And that's a wrap..12 months of Flavours for Health and we look forward to an exciting new year!

Happy New Year everyone!..Thank you for being part of our journey. 

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