Hemp Quinoa Breakfast Pancakes


1 Cup cooked quinoa, cooled

1 Mashed banana

2 eggs

A splash of milk

1 or 2 scoops of Purition Raw Vegan Hemp (or any flavour of your choice)

1 Tsp of coconut oil


Cook quinoa according to package directions. Allow it to cool slightly.

In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients together.

  • Add the coconut oil to the frying pan and put on a medium heat. Pour the mixture into the frying pan ( you will get more than one pancake out of this recipe).
  • Cook until firm on one side and turn over. Continue until you have used all the mix and top off with some bananas and honey and maybe some Greek yogurt.

    There you go! A delicious and nutritious breakfast, high in protein, low in sugar & gluten free!
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